20 (Garfield)

Mixed by sTeve sMith

Off Track
This Mess





We seem to be surprisingly resilient
This is helpful when you go to sleep sore and it's weakened when you wake

It's not as complicated as forgiveness
If it's forgetfulness by design, then that's just fine, we'll be okay

This isn't helpful when you lose something important
And probably isn't great when abused or emotionally repressed

But it works to your advantage in a relationship
And for dealing with an ex, I've got to admit, it's simply the best

We seem to be surprisingly resilient
This is helpful when you go to sleep sore and it's weakened when you wake


The middle class is not a myth or some lost civilization
But often I feel I'd trade it in to be as lonely as an orphan
Because the low really hear the words and I'm feeling all out of sorts
Since what is central to this suggestion is only half of the report

The message ain't meant for the men in the middle
The message ain't meant for the men in the middle
Move up or down
If you want to be found

Sorry, women and others, by "men" I mean "Man"
But that is only because the syllables sound nice combined with "meant"
So it's true that I cannot deny this obvious open bid
To also verbally include y'all, every human in the mid

The message ain't meant for the men in the middle . . .

When you feel small it is comforting to reflect on something bigger
But who would want a life comparable to a Biblical Figure?
Where the bad guys are killed, the good guys are killed
And the guys in the middle remain unfulfilled

The message ain't meant for the men in the middle . . .

Sorry, women and others, by "men" I mean "Man"
But that is only because the syllables sound nice combined with "meant"
So it's true that I cannot deny this obvious open bid
To also verbally include y'all, every human in the mid

The message ain't meant for the men in the middle . . .


I haven't felt like film for a very long time
Does that mean I haven't been present?
Should I feel unfulfilled or unfairly advised
Since I failed to induce a special moment?
Have I been distorted by the feelings that films attempt to provide
Or has it been a long while since I've witnessed a film that I liked?

Oh, to be inspired by something other than a movie
And to change my whole outlook before the documentary
So, instead of dependence on another vicarious influence
Am I committed to living like a film in every circumstance?

Off Track

The railway as symbolic of a loss is correct
Less as an illustration but in more to that effect

From natives and minorities and recent immigrants
To obsolete John Henry and the rhythmic Gandy Dance

The railroad's role in progress is a notion off the tracks
For tramps and bums and hobos hurt by railroad bull attacks

Today infatuated with innocuous industry
We're innocently nostalgic on a trestle of tragedy

Fortunately this train is limited by it's rails
And if it tries to move cross ways it fails

This Mess

It's true
I don't need you
I thought it might get lonely
But it turns out I'm a loner
And unfortunately it is true
I didn't need you
It's true

The problem's I’m in love
With no one in particular
But I've been trained to seek
Out solutions in the singular
It's true . . .

So I said, "No"
And I said, "Yes"
And often, "Okay, I guess"
But the answers just contributed more questions to this mess
It's true . . .

In the dark, we can still be together
In the dark, you can be whomever
You can be with anyone you see
In the dark